Title: iCNC XT Systems: Performing the First Cut
Description: This module covers how to perform the first cut on the Thermal Dynamics iCNC XT Systems.
Learning Objectives:
- Watch the Show Me section which walks through the process
- Complete the Help Me section
- Test knowledge with the Let Me section
Time: 5-10 minutes
Title: iCNC XT System: CNC Shape Selection
Description: This module covers how to select shapes on the Thermal Dynamics iCNC XT System.
Learning Objectives:
- Watch the Show Me section which walks through the process
- Complete the Help Me section
- Test knowledge with the Let Me section
Time: 5-10 minutes
Title: iCNC XT System: Nest Software
Description: This module covers how to Nest parts on the Thermal Dynamics iCNC XT System.
Learning Objectives:
- Watch the Show Me section which walks through the process
- Complete the Help Me section
- Test knowledge with the Let Me section
Time: 5-10 minutes
Title: iCNC XT System: CNC Plate Alignment
Description: This module covers how to align a plate on the Thermal Dynamics iCNC XT System.
Learning Objectives:
- Watch the Show Me section which walks through the process
- Complete the Help Me section
- Test knowledge with the Let Me section
Time: 5-10 minutes
Title: iCNC XT System: Downloading a Work Process
Description: This module covers how to download a work process on the Thermal Dynamics iCNC XT System.
Learning Objectives:
- Watch the Show Me section which walks through the process
- Complete the Help Me section
- Test knowledge with the Let Me section
Time: 5-10 minutes
Title: iCNC XT System: Basic Overview of CNC Buttons
Description: This module covers the basic overview of CNC buttons on the Thermal Dynamics iCNC XT System.
Learning Objectives:
- Become familiar with the basic interface layout
Time: 5-10 minutes
Title: XT Systems
Description: This module covers the key features and benefits of the Thermal Dynamics XT Systems.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the key features
- Understand the key benefits
- Gain awareness of the solutions this product provides
- See the product in action
Time: 5-10 minutes